This program is released as donationware. You may use the program as long as you want and may donate what ever you feel to help further developments of this program and other ideas I am working on. You may copy this program and give it to other people as long as ALL the original files are included. This program is copyrighted, but the text used is not. In the future I will include the ability to print the text to a file so you may use it as you wish. This program was written by NeoSofts' NeoBook Pro program so some limitations may apply. I am constantly bugging them about these limitations. If you have questions, comments or donations, then send them to my address below: Neal Stone 818 Burr RD #4 Olympia, WA 98501 Make checks or money orders payable to Neal Stone. You may also e-mail me internet as NAStone@AOL.COM or e-mail me at AOL as NAStone.